strike action

UMFA on strike

Picketers will line the entrances to the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses for the second time in five years after Monday’s negotiations between the U of M and faculty broke down.

UMFA floods Ewasko, Fielding’s offices with phone calls

Hundreds of University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) members bombarded the offices of Wayne Ewasko, the provincial minister of advanced education, skills and immigration, and Minister of Finance Scott Fielding with phone calls last week to demand an end to government interference in their negotiations with U of M administration.

Austerity holding students and province back

The strike currently taking place at the U of M is only the most recent symptom of the government’s austerity agenda and is making matters worse. If labour market tightness is the problem — as Manitoba’s new premier asserted during her leadership campaign — we should be investing more in our post-secondary institutions and doing more to support students to move through their programs and get in the job market.

Memories of 2016 strike loom

On Nov. 1, 2016, the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) declared a strike when fair mediations were unsuccessful with the University of Manitoba administration….