
Bison briefs

Bisons football While the Bisons football team had a fantastic pre-season game, stomping the University of Regina Rams 26-7 and with kicker Maya Turner continuing…

Football season preview

As Bisons training camp wraps up with the pre-season game against the University of Regina Rams this Thursday, Aug. 24, the regular season is coming…


  Bisons basketball The Canada West (CanWest) conference announced in May that the University of Manitoba will play host to the CanWest men’s basketball championship…

Dinos left extinct by Bisons

The University of Manitoba Bisons football team hosted the University of Calgary Dinos on Sept. 24. Coming off a much-needed win against the University of…

Nic Demski leads Blue Bombers to Grey Cup

ON DEC. 12, THE WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS CAPTURED ITS SECOND CONSECUTIVE GREY CUP CHAMPIONSHIP, DEFEATING THE HAMILTON TIGER-CATS 33-25 IN OVERTIME. Former Bison football player Nic Demski scored a crucial touchdown in the fourth quarter, helping the Blue Bomber slotback win his first ever Grey Cup’s Most Valuable Canadian award. The Winnipeg native sat down to discuss his recent achievements as well as his journey to the Grey Cup.