
UMSU executive team must face challenges

Though UMSU is far from being a perfect institution, it has the potential to give U of M students a sense of belonging and community. Just like any union, each and every member has duties to fulfil. Our responsibility, as constituents, is to keep a vigilant eye on our elected officials and constantly hold them accountable.

Solve sexual violence in military by defunding it

Talking about a “culture shift” within the military reflects a similar logic to giving officers body cameras to prevent police violence — it may look like a solution, but the underlying issues remain unresolved. If Canada wants to solve its military’s sexual violence issue, it must defund the CAF.

Church must tear up papal bulls, return stolen material

The church supposedly feels remorse for its actions, yet it continues to act and uphold colonial institutions and practices. Unlike the Pope’s apology makes it seem, it was not simply a few misguided Christians that contributed to residential schools — it was and continues to be an institutional effort that began with two racist papal bulls. The continuity of this institutional colonialism lives on in the Vatican’s private collection of cultural material. If the church truly wants to take its first steps toward reconciliation, it should return what was stolen and tear up the papal bulls that made this theft possible.

NDP-Liberal agreement a victory for cooperative politics

The Liberal-NDP agreement is not solely a political victory, but rather a triumph for low-income Canadians who need assistance to cover their pharmaceutical necessities and require adequate and affordable dental-care plans. Though imperfect, this agreement puts citizens’ interests over partisanship.

The downtown density dilemma

Winnipeg should strive for accessible living of all types. Whether it be single or family living, our downtown should be able to accommodate residents at the barest of minimums. Further, Winnipeg should seek to build a stronger sense of character and consistency in our urban identity and provide a more meaningful execution of communal programming that works with our seasonal variation. Ultimately, we need to redefine Winnipeg.

Nuchatlaht could change land claims for good

The Nuchatlaht First Nation are refusing to recognize Canadian sovereignty over their hereditary land that encompasses about 200 square kilometres of Nootka Island. Centuries of western contestation, deliberation and dispossession have come full circle and the Nuchatlaht are making their case for their land back in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

Canada should be doing more for all refugees

War is terrible no matter who it affects. And where there is conflict, inevitably there will be people that are forced to flee for their lives. Although it is unrealistic to expect to save everybody from the perils of war, Canada and other western countries have not stepped up to support as many people as they should.

PCs throwing province off a cliff by dropping masks

On March 15 the Progressive Conservative party (PC) dropped Manitoba’s mask mandate. The PCs are facing what looks to be an inevitable demise come next provincial election and it appears the party is finding it increasingly futile to play along with public health measures it so clearly resents. The result may culminate in yet another self-destructive attempt at returning to pre-COVID life. We’ve been here before, and it didn’t end well.

Addressing global warming means socializing housing

The climate crisis may be the best reason for socializing housing. Winnipeg must look beyond traditional market strategies to address these issues together and reduce inequality. This means the city must take it upon itself to build affordable and climate-friendly housing for low-income earners in high-density neighbourhoods. Going forward, housing cannot have space for profit.