
This is the virtual bad place

When Elon Musk purchased Twitter this year for US$44 billion, the ship-jumping began, with many Twitter users urging others to switch platforms. What is perhaps…

Welcome to the future?

Imagine you wake up in the heat of summer. Beyond the city walls it is over 40 degrees, with sandstorms raging. But you get out…

Travel back in time with digital campus tour

Over the last two years, students have missed out on many valuable opportunities that shape the experience of attending university. Some may be near to wrapping up a degree in which they never physically attended the University of Manitoba campuses. While the pandemic has made certain activities more accessible, it is also normal to feel a certain nostalgia for what has been lost.

Scientists find oil rig noise pollution affects birds

We need to rethink the way we regulate noise pollution from oil rigs as the noise from oil drilling can be harmful to prairie songbirds, including species that are at risk. These findings come from a new study authored by Nicola Koper and Patricia Rosa. Koper is a professor at the natural resources institute at the University of Manitoba and Rosa is an assistant professor at St. George’s University. They both study how human activity can interfere with songbird behaviour.