
Aboriginal History Month: essential, unknown

February is Black History Month. During February we reflect on the historical treatment of black people, who were taken from their homeland and carted across the Atlantic and, for those who survived the voyage, sold into slavery. That was just the beginning of the ill treatment of black people in North America, which continued well past the abolition of slavery and is still very much present today.

During Black History Month, we are encouraged to read books and watch movies that teach about the struggles that black people faced, and to reflect on and celebrate the accomplishments they have fought hard to achieve, such as the right to vote, access to education, and the desegregation of public spaces

We Are The City, in your city

On Sunday, Feb. 21, Vancouver’s resident oddball trio We Are The City bring their syncopated, percussion- and synthesizer-heavy brand of experimental indie-rock to the Good…

Debating the democratic process

Electoral politics went under the microscope at the University of Manitoba late last week when political studies students hosted the 32nd annual John Wesley Dafoe Conference.