
Universal transit pass on track for fall 2016 roll-out

Hopes of having the universal transit pass (U-Pass) available to university students in Winnipeg for the fall of 2016 have surged as negotiations between the city transit authorities and university administrations and students draw closer to their final stage.

The science of LSD

In 1943, a Swiss chemist named Albert Hofmann experienced the world’s first acid trip. While the rest of Europe was gearing up for the Second…

The fascinating compounds of plants

Members of the plant kingdom make hundreds of thousands of molecules called secondary metabolites. These compounds aren’t crucial for life, but are instead used for…

Space briefs

Made of the right stuff NASA closed its call for applications for astronaut candidates on Feb. 18, receiving an unprecedented 18,300 applications. The agency opened…

The people’s college

The St. Paul’s College bell tower has long been a fixture of the University of Manitoba’s skyline, but beneath the cross that hovers above the Catholic college is an institution that has experienced remarkable change over its 90-year existence.