University of Manitoba

Re: UMGSA confusion

I would like to respond to an article in the Jan. 21, 2015 edition of the Manitoban titled “UMGSA confusion” by Ethan Cabel. The main…

Close down to Hoe Down week

The University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture Students’ Organization (FASO) hosted their annual Eat Y’er Hat Social on Friday, Jan. 9 as the wrap-up to…

Stop defining yourself

If you’ve read a newspaper, visited the airport, or looked at any of the University of Manitoba’s official literature, you’ve almost certainly seen the “Trailblazer”…

University Centre food court reopens

After undergoing extensive renovations for the first half of the academic year, Campo, the new campus food court in University Centre at the University of…

Goodbye “Gritty Grotto”

The new Active Living Centre at the University of Manitoba—a 100,000-sq.-ft., $45 million facility—will be open to all U of M students next month, accompanied…