Students are minds, bodies, and souls, not customers
If we are not able to deal with students in all their complex and dynamic individualism, then education is merely a commodity and professors are simply cogs in the system.
If we are not able to deal with students in all their complex and dynamic individualism, then education is merely a commodity and professors are simply cogs in the system.
In 2002, Jordan Miller graduated from the University of Manitoba with a bachelor of fine arts degree (honours) with majors in drawing, painting, and mixed…
The University of Manitoba officially has their first eco-marathon team. UMecoMotion, which began as a U of M student group in September of this year,…
A recent study conducted by Meal Exchange, a charity aimed at tackling food problems on post-secondary campuses, revealed that food insecurity was a serious issue…
“It kind of felt like they had just taken their ball and gone home” – Mark Hudson, UMFA president
“I’m hoping that our stance works alongside the current discussions and we’re able to pressure the negotiations to go quicker” – Tanjit Nagra, UMSU president
A top university should aim to provide the best education possible. Larger class sizes means less one-on-one time with the students.
Free post-secondary education is a very realistic goal and it can be achieved through rearranging our government’s priorities and channeling the political will toward helping students.
The University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) rejected a settlement offer from the university Monday, saying the proposal continues to ignore workplace issues raised by…
As picket lines continue to greet those still attending classes or working at the University of Manitoba, politicians continue to debate the role the provincial…