
Marching in Shoalidarity

On September 12, hundreds of protestors marched from the Manitoba legislature to the Winnipeg Aqueduct Monument to raise awareness for the dire water situation in…

Professors launch Truth and Reconciliation petition

Just in time for the federal election campaign, four University of Manitoba professors have launched a petition urging all levels of government in Canada to take concrete steps toward truth and reconciliation with indigenous people.

Protest! The conscience demands it

In heeding our conscience – and what, other than that, is the purpose of having consciousness – we will find a path clear before us. This is the path of protest, of differentiation form the norm. Not of calling out, but of turning away. True protest, the kind that seeks change, must be more affirmation than negation. It is focused on the actions we can ourselves take, not the actions not taken by others.

Targeting racial oppression on campus

Following Nancy Macdonald’s Jan. 22, 2015 Maclean’s article denouncing Winnipeg as “where Canada’s racism problem is at its worst,” there was much uproar around the…

First Nation sensation

It’s been a long journey for University of Manitoba Bison thrower Justin Krantz. Originally hailing from the small town of Roblin, Manitoba, the multi-sport athlete…