
Time’s arrow: William Herschel

William Herschel did not begin his career as a professional scientist. For the first several decades of his life astronomy was just a hobby. His…

The Iceman cometh

On Sept. 19, 1991, Erika and Helmut Simon, vacationers from Nuremberg, Germany, discovered a man’s body protruding from the ice in the mountains of the…

A wearable history

History is written in many forms – through buildings and books, our everyday lives, and the clothes we wear. In the latest exhibit from the…

Where’s Buddha?

The tall, white high-rise apartments disappeared in the heavy fog as my gondola slowly ascended into the mountains of Lantau Island, one of the more…

The father of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who was born in the Ottoman city in Salonika in 1881, was Turkey’s most beloved hero and the founder of the Republic…