Ask Her Talks
On Nov. 25, the Metropolitan Entertainment Centre hosted the second national stop for the Stephen Lewis Foundation-sponsored Ask Her Talks in conjunction with World AIDS…
On Nov. 25, the Metropolitan Entertainment Centre hosted the second national stop for the Stephen Lewis Foundation-sponsored Ask Her Talks in conjunction with World AIDS…
As of Nov. 9, local animal shelter Craig Street Cats (CSC) has paid its outstanding bills. Lynne Scott, executive director and founder of the organization,…
Paris has loomed large in my mind the past few months. In Paris, on Nov. 30, the COP21 climate talks will convene. These talks must succeed. If they do not then we do not have a snowball’s hope in hell of avoiding the worst, most catastrophic effects of climate change.
The University of Manitoba Womyn’s Centre has partnered with the Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre to offer free self-defence classes for women on campus.
The University of Manitoba has established a new Mahatma Gandhi scholarship for graduate students studying human rights. The scholarship, along with the forthcoming development of a master of human rights program at the university, helps to solidify Winnipeg as one of the leaders of human rights study in the country.
The papacy has never enjoyed as glowing a reception as today, and notably among progressives. Pope Francis has been met with praise for his strong condemnations of “unbridled capitalism” and the visible inequities and environmental degradation it has produced. This focus on social justice, the pontiff’s seemingly humble, compassionate persona, has convinced many on the left that he is to be considered a “radical pope” and a force for institutional change. I think caution needs to be urged in applying this label, largely because many of the moral positions of the Catholic Church are fundamentally conservative in nature.
The push to see the University of Manitoba divest its holdings in carbon-burning industries was put into a global context on Oct. 8 when renowned…
The fourth annual Pledge-O-Rama fundraiser for 101.5 UMFM is just around the corner and the beloved campus radio station is in need of donations to…
Local indie rock/pop duo Cannon Bros. are set to release their second full-length album Dream City on Saturday, Oct. 3 at the Good Will Social…
Ted Swain was a well-known and respected face in the running community until his untimely passing in May of 2009 following the Winnipeg Police Service…