Colton McKillop

NDP will support Liberals until 2025 for dental care

The New Democratic Party (NDP) has struck a deal with the Liberals to support the government in confidence
votes to keep them in power until 2025 in exchange for dental care for lower-income families and action on
other NDP priorities such as pharmacare, affordable housing, child care and Indigenous and environmental

Stefanson exaggerated ICU capacity during third wave

During last year’s third wave of COVID-19, Heather Stefanson claimed Manitoba’s health-care system could handle dozens more critically ill cases five days after a top health official discussed the possibility of out-of-province ICU patient transfers.

Province ordered to pay UMFA $19.3 million

The Manitoba government has been ordered to pay the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) over $19.3 million for secretly interfering with UMFA’s contract negotiations in 2016.

Sustainability week to focus on greenwashing

UMSU’s annual series of sustainability initiatives will be held March 1 through March 10 and will focus on the theme of
greenwashing, the process through which an organization misrepresents itself or its products as environmentally sustainable.
The events — dubbed sustainabilty season — will promote environmental sustainability and feature David Suzuki as the keynote