
The science of a broken heart

Heartbreak is a nearly inevitable part of life. Almost everyone at some point, for some reason or another, will experience deep grief over the end…

Catch and release

University of Manitoba graduate student Amélie Roberto-Charron is a migratory bird researcher currently studying the migration habits of the Canada Warbler.

Grad students gather for AGM

The University of Manitoba Graduate Students’ Association’s (UMGSA) annual general meeting, which took place on the evening of Jan. 21, saw a surprisingly high showing of graduate students.

Zika virus re-emerges

Only two years after the Ebola crisis in West Africa caused thousands of deaths and worldwide fears of its rapid spread, a new epidemic looms…

Materials that self-heal and shapeshift

Materials science is the study of new materials through the lens of interdisciplinary science and engineering. The discipline requires knowledge of chemistry, physics, and engineering…

Your brain on anxiety

Anxiety can produce some unusual behaviours. Two recently published studies looked into why our brains make us do particular things when we are anxious. One…