Jordyn Lerner

Mandatory courses: who, and why?

There’s been discussion recently about imposing additional mandatory courses on students at the University of Manitoba. In the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) Annual Survey, students were asked if they support an Indigenous Studies course requirement.

Vacation is not a treatment

I fully support an UMSU campaign on mental health. Public health insurance does not fund most mental health services, particularly preventive ones. The university offers limited student counselling, but it’s not the university’s role to operate as a pseudo-healthcare system. As such, students may be unable to access the care they need when they need it.

Death on the syllabus

Most students at the University of Manitoba wouldn’t consider death to be part of their curriculum. But for medical students, death is just that. In…

Blood politics

By highlighting MSM as an exposure category, current data collection and reporting methods support Canadian Blood Services’ screening practices. If UMSU wants screening practices to focus on specific high-risk behaviours, it needs data collection to also focus on specific high-risk behaviours.

The question of quotas

For over a year, the faculty of engineering has faced allegations of discrimination towards international students. These allegations stem from engineering’s goal to admit between…

Imbalance at UMSU

In practice, the executive holds all the power. Executive members are full-time officers of UMSU. They can devote their entire day to furthering their agendas. They can utilize the expertise of UMSU staff to develop large-scale plans and proposals. Most importantly, the executive controls the flow of information to council.

UMSU needs a strategic plan

What will the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) look like in 10 years? Five years? Next year? We don’t know because UMSU has no…

Leave us alone

Bannatyne is not Fort Garry. While this statement is self-evident, it is not always so to the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU). The most…