September 2011

Unshakable values

On Sept. 11, 2001, the United States of America was attacked by 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists. America’s sense of peace and security was shattered, as was…

International briefs

UPEI to pay profs forced to retire The University of Prince Edward Island will be forced to compensate three professors who were forced to retire…

Crime beat

There was one report of assault during the month of August, involving an argument between a male and a female who had previously been dating….

Local Briefs

Petition circulated to beef up math skills Close to 200 people, most of them professors, have signed a petition to toughen up admission standards to…

Racialized rep deffered for now

A proposal to create a racialized student representative (RSR) on UMSU council has been deferred for the time being. The deferral was the result of…

Interview with Greg Selinger

During his visit to the University of Manitoba, Greg Selinger, leader of the provincial NDP, sat down with Manitoban editor-in-chief Leif Larsen and news editor…

Splitting every vote

We’re splitting every vote,” said Caitlin McIntyre, Green party candidate for Fort Richmond, referring to the rhetoric that the Greens are splitting the left vote…

Passing through town

After having released their fourth album entitled The Place I Left Behind this summer, Canadian alt-country band the Deep Dark Woods are making their way…