September 2011

Here come the cyborgs

With the recent release of the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, my mind has turned to the upcoming options for our cyborg futures. Though the…

The patience of job hunting

Chapter One: Eager but ripe with confidence, having been reassured along my four years of university my fancy new degree along with my being a…

Rise of the GPA

From a young age we are indoctrinated with formal grading practices, and for that reason it is quite impossible to imagine a world without grades….

You’re doing it wrong

Why are you in university? I heard a number of answers when I asked students this question. They ranged anywhere from “to figure out what…

Being smart on crime

Conservative pundits have rallied around recent Stats Canada numbers, claiming that they prove at last that the Manitoba government has failed in making Winnipeg “feel…

Equal pay for equal work

It is no secret that there is a wage discrepancy between men and women who perform the same tasks and have the same jobs, both…

9/11: what do you remember?

There are certain events that create everlasting memories for an entire generation. Our grandparents will never forget Aug. 6, 1945. On this summer day an…

A world changed

For most people, the subject of history is a straightforward affair. In grade school we’re taught that A happened before B, which preceded C. There…