Advocating for students

Earlier this academic year there was a fleeting debate in the Manitoban on the role of student unions in connection with political advocacy. Since that…

Officials call for tuition elimination

Cape Breton University (CBU) officials released an open letter last week demanding that the federal government and provinces develop a strategy to eliminate tuition fees…

Leave us alone

Bannatyne is not Fort Garry. While this statement is self-evident, it is not always so to the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU). The most…

Why student politics matter

This year’s election for the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) executive had a different character than usual. There was a sense that the stakes…

UMSU domain dispute with CFS continues

The University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) is planning to break away from the Canadian Federation of Students’ (CFS) web and other services even after…

Leave the tweets out of it

Shortly after Christopher Bélanger confirmed his candidacy for the position of vice-president internal of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU), a set of screenshots…

New rules for UMSU elections

The 2015 General Election of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union will be the first to feature new rules related to election penalties after UMSU…


Two candidates from each executive slate in the UMSU General Election sat down with the Manitoban after the first week of campaigning to answer questions…