
Beyond Google

Just about every academic has used Google for research and it should come as no surprise that Google has a dedicated search engine designed with…

Data mining

We are making data all the time. Unbeknownst to most individuals, data is stored every time we use our credit cards, post on social media,…

UMSU domain dispute with CFS continues

The University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) is planning to break away from the Canadian Federation of Students’ (CFS) web and other services even after…

Leave the tweets out of it

Shortly after Christopher Bélanger confirmed his candidacy for the position of vice-president internal of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU), a set of screenshots…

Swipe right for “love”

Technology no doubt has its benefits – the invention of the printing press enabled mass media and brought about the accessibility of popular art; the…

Swipe right for love

We are living in the information age, a period in human history brought to fruition by the digital revolution. As time proceeds, more and more…