It just makes cents
Utilizing active and public transportation makes sense on a personal financial level and can help reduce your financial costs in these tough times. Transportation is…
Utilizing active and public transportation makes sense on a personal financial level and can help reduce your financial costs in these tough times. Transportation is…
While strolling the trenches of the grocery aisles, I am comforted by my rows of emergency soup cans, beans and chickpeas not-so-neatly piled up in…
Some students at the University of Manitoba received delayed credit card charges at the end of last month from purchases made in the fall. Aramark,…
Everything is expensive, and clothing is not an exception. This is a fact that Victoria Romero, Racial Equity and Inclusion Alliance (REIA) executive, knows well. …
With the U of M fall fee deadline and the Manitoba provincial election only a day apart, Manitoba Student Aid (MSA) is a high priority…
The federal government announced on Oct. 7 that eligible international students will be granted the authorization to work more than 20 hours per week off…
The University of Manitoba has earmarked $1 million for an emergency bursary fund to provide financial assistance to students struggling due to the war in Ukraine.
Inflation has affected all Manitobans over the past several months. Whether you have watched your rent skyrocket or experienced sticker shock at the grocery store, you may be wondering how to keep ahead of expenses while prices keep going up.
UMSU is offering a transit subsidy to some students who purchase a post-secondary pass for the fall semester. No U-Pass is being offered this fall…
Former director of NCTR set to continue decolonization work at University of Victoria On June 24 it was announced that Ry Moran, founding director of…