strike action

UMFA strike ends

The University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) have reached an agreement to enter into binding arbitration, ending a strike that has lasted over a month.

The strike is an inconvenient necessity for students

A number of incidents have further eroded the relationship between UMFA, the university administration and the provincial government since then, and the effect is palpable. In 2016, as I remember it, the mood was determined but apologetic — the academic strike was a new and frightening concept to most students, and both UMFA and the university made significant efforts to explain what was happening and maintained an outwardly friendly relationship. But this disagreement has gone on for years now, and what seemed like a small fight has escalated to full-blown resentment.

Students Supporting UMFA block administration’s doors

The students, organized by Students Supporting UMFA (SSUMFA), demanded the administration offer faculty a fair deal. The protesters held signs with slogans like, “Listen up Benarroch” — directed at university president Michael Benarroch — and “Get back to bargaining” as they prevented staff from entering the building until 9:30 a.m.

UMFA on strike

Picketers will line the entrances to the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses for the second time in five years after Monday’s negotiations between the U of M and faculty broke down.