
U of M researchers release report on cover crop usage

Researchers at the University of Manitoba have released a report on the use of cover crops in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Callum Morrison, a graduate student, and Yvonne Lawley, assistant professor in the department of plant science, surveyed 281 Prairie farms that grow cover crops to determine the benefits and challenges farms face.

Gender bias persists in STEM fields

Researchers at the University of Manitoba have found experiences of gender bias persist in natural science and engineering fields in Canadian universities. Annemieke Farenhorst, associate dean in the faculty of agricultural and food sciences and professor of soil science, andJennifer Dengate, a post-doctoral fellow working with the department of sociology and criminology and department of soil sciences, presented their findings in a paper recently published in the Canadian Journal of Chemistry along with co-authors Tracey Peter and Tamara Franz-Odendaal.