Students emphasize research amid faculty strike
Since the UMFA strike began on Nov. 2, students have stepped up to provide support for their peers and organize demonstrations in support of UMFA.
Since the UMFA strike began on Nov. 2, students have stepped up to provide support for their peers and organize demonstrations in support of UMFA.
Researchers at the University of Manitoba have released a report on the use of cover crops in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Callum Morrison, a graduate student, and Yvonne Lawley, assistant professor in the department of plant science, surveyed 281 Prairie farms that grow cover crops to determine the benefits and challenges farms face.
Researchers at the University of Manitoba have found experiences of gender bias persist in natural science and engineering fields in Canadian universities. Annemieke Farenhorst, associate dean in the faculty of agricultural and food sciences and professor of soil science, andJennifer Dengate, a post-doctoral fellow working with the department of sociology and criminology and department of soil sciences, presented their findings in a paper recently published in the Canadian Journal of Chemistry along with co-authors Tracey Peter and Tamara Franz-Odendaal.
This September will be the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack known colloquially as 9/11. Throughout January and February, University of Manitoba political studies students…
Marketing in our society frequently revolves around maximizing profits for a company and its shareholders, regardless of the consequences of its actions on society, the…
Government involvement in community health is a contentious issue, not least because different health issues affect different parts of the population at varying rates. Initiatives…
After nearly one year of the COVID-19 pandemic, various vaccines and other forms of treatment have seen remarkable development. On Jan. 19, the University of…
University of Manitoba assistant professor Paul Durkin is part of an ongoing project studying the environment in which early ancestors of humans lived. The project…
Three education professors from multiple universities have joined to study hypermasculine culture within elite men’s hockey and what current and former players do to combat…
University of Manitoba associate professor Robert Mizzi was named a Canada Research Chair (CRC) in queer, community and diversity education last fall. Mizzi was awarded…