
The Big Bang

Cosmology has been shaken up by new theories on the origins of the universe which have recently received attention in the media. Did the universe…

Swipe right for “love”

Technology no doubt has its benefits – the invention of the printing press enabled mass media and brought about the accessibility of popular art; the…

Swipe right for love

We are living in the information age, a period in human history brought to fruition by the digital revolution. As time proceeds, more and more…

What is love?

As we approach Valentine’s Day for yet another year, multitudes of couples will flock to various retail outlets in an attempt to express their undying…

MAKE Coffee + Stuff

The idea of combining coffee and art is not new. Countless cafés around Winnipeg have aimed to amalgamate art and coffee culture. There is an…

Clash of civilizations?

It is worth appreciating the immense outcry that has flooded the pages of broadsheets in the days following the senseless slaughter of satirists. A series…