Students are minds, bodies, and souls, not customers
If we are not able to deal with students in all their complex and dynamic individualism, then education is merely a commodity and professors are simply cogs in the system.
If we are not able to deal with students in all their complex and dynamic individualism, then education is merely a commodity and professors are simply cogs in the system.
Support who you want on your own time, but dragging 25,676 undergraduate students into labour negotiations is not an appropriate way to represent the student body.
“It kind of felt like they had just taken their ball and gone home” – Mark Hudson, UMFA president
The administration is fighting for a cause it dare not name and seeks to camouflage behind talk of lack of funds.
A representative of the Pallister government discouraged the University of Manitoba from entering into mediation discussions with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA), according…
Since the dawn of the 2016 faculty strike at the University of Manitoba, one phrase has become all too familiar in the mouths of students…
The University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) rejected a settlement offer from the university Monday, saying the proposal continues to ignore workplace issues raised by…
More than a week into a faculty strike that has cancelled hundreds of classes at the U of M, university administration has not shared with…
On Oct. 27, the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) council discussed whether to take a stance on the precarious negotiations that have been ongoing…
“We just saw no flexibility whatsoever, despite the fact that we walked in to that mediation saying that we would agree for the moment to set aside the salary question” – Mark Hudson, UMFA president