The beginning of a conservative reformation
Times have changed since Harper became prime minister. Now will the Conservative Party of Canada do the same?
Times have changed since Harper became prime minister. Now will the Conservative Party of Canada do the same?
In late May, Liberals and Conservatives held simultaneous national conventions in a whirlwind of politicking and policy. It was a unique comparison that revealed particularly…
Michael Barkman, Chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students – MB, weighs in on U of M budget cuts.
Late last year and early this year, the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) vice-president advocacy Rebecca Kunzman was frantically seeking to quash a proposed…
With a provincial election looming, the opposition Progressive Conservatives are riding high. If polls are to believed the PCs are the clear frontrunners to form…
Over the last decade and a half, there has been increasing violence at the hands of terrorist organizations, one of the most recent being the…
In the past two years, both the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) and the U of M administration have combined efforts in normalizing austerity…
University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) president Jeremiah Kopp states that a lot of his meetings with students occur over lunch and “there’s good reason for…
As executive director of UMSU for over five years (2008-2013), I would like to refute the current UMSU president’s claims that it was “standard practice” at…
As someone who has completed two degrees and spent what some people would call a ridiculous amount of time in post-secondary school, I have met…