“It was devastating”: A graduate students’ thoughts on the emotional toll of the strike
The first few days I was in denial.
The first few days I was in denial.
Manitoba needs a comprehensive, holistic plan to open the doors of post-secondary education to anyone who wants to attend.
“Conservative or not, it is our duty to ensure that we prevent any candidate that aligns themselves with the alt-right from becoming the leader of the Conservative Party.”
UMSU council and the incoming executive team will be evaluated on their ability to create a common vision, unite the student body, and respond to the challenges ahead.
The government has a duty to step in and halt the unethical practices of what can be called Big App.
Recent UMSU executives have repeatedly stressed having a seat at the table, but that does nothing if the others sitting around it aren’t listening.
Voter turnout in the 2017 UMSU general election was low, but it was not because of a lack of ability to vote. It was because of a lack of desire to vote.
International Women’s Day should be a day about women, not attacking women.
When it comes to refugee policy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has two stances: one on Twitter, and the other on paper. Nowhere is that more…
Automation of the workforce need not be a looming dystopia, but instead a gleaming utopia – so long as weaknesses in social infrastructure are addressed.