U of M must uphold two promises conveyed in new logo
The new visual identity alludes to two promises, to two unique selling propositions to differentiate our university from others across the country and around the world.
The new visual identity alludes to two promises, to two unique selling propositions to differentiate our university from others across the country and around the world.
Injuries in sports are a kill switch for athletes with a giant amount of momentum behind them.
Disney lost the rights to Spider-Man, which is ultimately good for diversity in film.
Sustainable food practices are gaining traction globally, but not within Manitoba’s 2019 provincial election.
They are human beings, prone to emotional outburst and poor judgement, but they are also public figures and role models.
For years, Portage Place Shopping Centre has acted as a community space.
In UMSU University Centre, beside the cashier’s office, there is a cozy little nook with a built-in bench.
OERs raise serious questions about professional management and sustainability of academic publishing.
The world is burning and you will never know about every flame. That is OK.
What the SNC-Lavalin affair reveals about the ideological concept of “jobs” in Canadian political discourse.