Online voting off the table this year

University of Manitoba students will be voting using paper ballots again during this week’s University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) General Election after the union…

UMSUshi open for business

The University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) held the grand opening for UMSUshi last week, a new take-out restaurant run by the students’ union on…

Your UMSU and Clear Slate face off

The candidates have been finalized, and campaigning has officially commenced, for the 2015 UMSU General Election. The deadline for candidates’ nominations applications passed on Friday,…

Masters of their domain

On Jan. 6, the Manitoban reported that the UMSU executive is withholding $640,000 in fees owed to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), the national…

Students of Canarchy

Rock ‘n’ roll lives Plans to bring live music at the Hub have been revitalized in the form of Canarchy. The weekly series, kicking off…