UMSU, UCRU lobby against tuition tax credit

At the first board meeting since lobbying for students in Ottawa in early December, UMSU president Jakob Sanderson gave a presentation explaining the priorities of the trip — some of which left some at the meeting feeling “frustrated and disappointed.”

LGBTTQ* rep tables name change motion indefinitely

A motion brought to the UMSU board of governors in December by its LGBTTQ* community representative to change the title of the position to the Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversities (GSRD) representative was tabled indefinitely Thursday.

LGBTTQ* rep reconsidering name change motion

UMSU LGBTTQ* representative Eun-Bi Kang will be bringing forward a motion to change the name of her position to the Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversities (GSRD) representative at Thursday’s board meeting — a decision she now fears may have been “naive.”

UMSU executive issues AGM report

The UMSU executive updated membership on upcoming projects and its ongoing turmoil with the Canadian Federation of Students at its 2018 fall annual general meeting.