Why the protests in Montreal are important
There is already plenty of anger over how Occupy protestors were dealt with last year, as well as actions by police at the G20 summit in Toronto.
There is already plenty of anger over how Occupy protestors were dealt with last year, as well as actions by police at the G20 summit in Toronto.
Bill 2, named “Protecting Affordability for University Students,” was discussed in a Human Resources Committee meeting on June 6 and resulted in no changes to…
Day of Action demands reduced tuition fees, dropped student debt and increased education funding
I am not one to carry the big bills, even though my bills are often quite big. Especially rent. As my partner pays the rent…
Students in the faculty of arts could have more money available to help pay for their university experience if the Arts Student Body Council (ASBC)…
Welcome to Movember, the month-long moustache-growing extravaganza raising awareness and money for men’s health issues — especially prostate cancer. Since its beginning in 2003, the…
With their high tuition fees, ineligibility to receive student aid, and lack of employment opportunities, international students in Manitoba should be happy to hear about…
My first few years of college expenses were covered by all-night gambling sessions. This is my advice against following that path. Reason 1: The majority…
When asked about the challenges facing post-secondary students in Manitoba, Kerri Irvin-Ross, the MLA for Fort Richmond, smiles then says she would rather talk about…
People looking to park in N lot — on Chancellor’s Circle around the Administration building — may be in for a bit of a surprise….