social issues

Hearts, minds, and bladders

Recently a video that showed American marines urinating on the bodies of dead fighters appeared online. There is no way to verify the claim that…

Innocent until proven guilty

“We don’t have a gun problem. We have a criminal problem, we have a gang problem, we have problems with people who have no regard…

Bird’s eye view

As new research demonstrates how an artificially mutated a strain of avian influenza can spread in at unprecedented rates in ferrets — and possibly humans…

Steady in uncertain times

As the Euro zone fights to avoid disaster, people worldwide are on edge. Having slowly climbed our way out the depths of the recession of…

Welcome home Gilad Shalit

Five years ago the Hamas terrorist group snuck across the border into Israel. They captured then 19-year-old Gilad Shalit, a member of the Israeli military….

A welcome change

During the provincial election, Julie Rempel, UMSU vice-president (external), was asked about post-secondary funding issues. The following is an excerpt of her response from a…