
Oh the humanities!

On display in the Engineering Building’s atrium at the University of Manitoba is quite possibly the future of Northern shipping. Taking up a large proportion…

Science vs. art, reality vs. meaning

So I’ve been around the university block. My degree may say “bachelor of arts,” but I’d call my education “broad” — perhaps “flip-flopped,” even, or…

Putting a price on biodiversity

Despite the fact that we are in the midst of a global ecological crisis, conservation efforts around the world continue to face an uphill battle….

Text-based art

Canadian artist Lani Maestro’s her rain is a text-based exhibit first shown at Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art. It has now…

HIV breakthrough

A South African husband and wife team have won the first-ever Olusegun Obasanjo Prize for their work on a microbicide gel that significantly reduces the…

Breach of integrity

This past September, a Dutch psychologist was suspended from his post after evidence surfaced that he had committed academic fraud on an extensive scale. Diederik…

Eco reserve in the making

Hundreds of people have been displaced from the Lake St. Martin reserve since this spring because of flooding, and now the reserve must be relocated…