international affairs

Kicking ass and taking names

The Canadian Armed Forces are back on top! General “Walt from Winnipeg” Natynczyk, chief of defense staff, was in town recently, speaking to the Canadian…

International Briefs

Qu’ran burning threat ignites protests around the globe Despite the cancellation of his plans to burn copies of the Qu’ran on Sept. 11, 2010, Rev….

The Cordoba House clash

In the immediate wake of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, as black smoke still consumed and choked the skies above…

Sanctions in Iran not the answer

I was hiking on an Iranian hillside, exploring the ruins of a long-abandoned castle, when I met Masumah and her husband Mohammad. Masumah spoke some…

Two weeks in Palestine and Israel

This summer, I was fortunate enough to attend the first Independent Jewish Voices solidarity tour of Palestine and Israel. This was a very emotional and…

Technology briefs

Pocket-sized healthcare advice for people of Africa “Afridoctor” is a smart phone application developed by Blueworld Communities based in Cape Town, South Africa. The application…