international affairs

A tale of two Torontos

Imagine the entire city of Toronto engulfed in noise. A mob of people running through the streets. Car horns blaring in the distance. Police on…

A refusal to face reality

As the world recovers from the global financial crises, governments are beginning to realize that there is a deeper flaw in our systems of social…

Getting inked in iceland

I guess my tattoo story begins with my parents. Fads, wants and desires begin somewhere. Instead of rebelling against society and deciding that a tattoo…

Kicking ass and taking names

The Canadian Armed Forces are back on top! General “Walt from Winnipeg” Natynczyk, chief of defense staff, was in town recently, speaking to the Canadian…

International Briefs

Qu’ran burning threat ignites protests around the globe Despite the cancellation of his plans to burn copies of the Qu’ran on Sept. 11, 2010, Rev….