
No more drinks for me

I started drinking at age 13. I know it’s young, but I suppose growing up witnessing alcoholism led me into a life of trying to…

What is UMSU smoking?

I was walking out of GPA’s on campus the other day, having just purchased some chips and an energy drink — healthy guy that I…

Shaping up

The ads are everywhere, buy the new Sketchers Shape-ups and you can “get in shape without setting foot in a gym.” Yes, advertisements claim that…

Rivers fail piss-test

Researchers from the University of Valencia (UV) have confirmed the presence of several illegal drugs in the canals and irrigation channels in L’Albufera Natural Park,…

Ah . . . alcohol

Ah . . . alcohol. The wondrous and all mighty social lubricant available at hundreds of inebriation stations in a town near you. Whether your…

Essentially a playlist

With the recent Flatlander’s Beer Festival and the calendar about to bring us the annual gift of Oktoberfest, naturally a (not so) young man’s thoughts…