
Food porn

Spluttering, crackling bacon on a skillet. Bubbling, melting cheese stretching from a pizza as you grab that first piece. Decadent cupcakes with sky-high frosting. All…

Fan-fiction erotica

Screenwriter and comic book author Joss Whedon said, “There’s a time and a place for everything, and I believe it’s called ‘fan fiction.’” He was…

Rated X

Many acclaimed works of literature share the fact that they’ve been banned, at some time or another, in part for their sexual content.   Non-fiction…

Defining pornography

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Potter Stewart once said that he could not define pornography. “But I know it when I see it,” he famously…

Nudes vs. Porn

I am a fat, queer artist who makes art involving my naked body and the naked bodies of others. This territory wields a double-edged sword:…

Q&A with Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin is a renowned autism and animal welfare advocate, and was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World in…