
A dummies guide to the Senate scandal

On Dec. 22, 2008, Stephen Harper appointed Mike Duffy, a prominent broadcaster and journalist, to represent the province of Prince Edward Island in the Canadian…

Making noise to support prisoners

In May of 2012, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews announced a plan of the federal government’s to implement changes to prisoners’ wages. At the time,…

PST’d off

Caleigh MacDonald Entrepreneur Robert Half once said, “People try to live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that…

Over-regulating the small guy

Earlier this month, the Manitoba Agriculture-Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) collected and is currently slated to destroy thousands of dollars of agricultural product from a…

Not our Canada

Tariq Sohail The Quebec government’s shocking initiative to marginalize a small population of minorities comes at a time when Quebec’s public debt currently is, as…

Local news briefs

Winnipeg athlete files multi-million dollar lawsuit Kevin Kwasny, a football player from Winnipeg, has permanent brain damage as a result of an injury on the…