
Drink up

Although the days of bootleggers and rum-running are long over, Prohibition-inspired restaurants have recently gained traction in the culinary world, with restaurants in New York,…

Off with our head

Watching Justin Trudeau and his 30-member cabinet being sworn in earlier this month, something struck me as extremely off-putting about the whole affair: the oath Trudeau and his ministers made to our head of state, the monarch of Canada, Queen Elizabeth II.

The journey of the poppy

“In Flanders fields the poppies blow…” A hundred years ago, these familiar lines by John McCrae first showed the connection between our fallen soldiers and…

Putting poutine in its place

You may have noticed that, for some time, there’s been a food truck parked on campus. A welcome relief from the unrelenting mediocrity of campus food services (though I’ve yet to actually see anyone buying poutine there), the Poutine King is inarguably an asset to life on campus.

The whole point of a food truck, however, is that you can park it anywhere; the specific spot the truck currently occupies is not only inappropriate, it is offensive. The truck should be moved – perhaps more importantly, whoever told it to park there should have known better in the first place.

Elections and Canadian values

Stephen Harper is no longer the driving force of Canadian politics. Though I’m less than happy with the results of the federal election, it is a relief to be able to say that.

While most Canadians seem glad to see the back of him, the usual gadflies have predictably emerged to salvage what they can of Harper’s reputation in an effort to construe him as some kind of noble, tragic hero. This simply cannot be allowed.

Saving the CBC

The CBC has been hobbled.
Decades of funding cuts under both the Liberal and Conservative governments and political interference through board appointments by Stephen Harper have severely hampered the national broadcaster’s ability to meet its mandate: to “provide radio and television services incorporating a wide range of programming that informs, enlightens and entertains,” according to the 1991 Broadcasting Act.

Come TOgether

Major League Baseball’s (MLB) longest playoff slump finally ended in 2015. For the first time since winning the World Series in 1993, the Toronto Blue…