Mike Still

Powerplay prowess

The University of Manitoba Bisons men’s hockey team ran into a hot Mount Royal Cougars powerplay unit over the weekend, falling 6-1 on Friday and…

Re: Give us a break

A week ago, I wrote a sports piece entitled “Build it and they will come ,” which discussed what Bison Sports has been doing to try and encourage fans to come out to sporting events. In this piece, I stated it’s also up to students to do their part and show up to the games.

Mr. Everything

It didn’t take Jesse Walker long to figure out that football was his calling. A fairly gifted soccer player growing up, Walker stepped onto the gridiron for the first time midway through grade eight, and the rest is history.

Discussions with DJ

After a slow start to the season, the University of Manitoba Bisons football squad has won their last two consecutive games, and head into the Thanksgiving bye week tied for second in the conference with a 3-2 record.

Get out the youth vote

One political advocacy group has sought creative ways to combat political apathy and boost electoral participation among youth. In the 2011 federal election, voter turnout…

Build it and they will come

In September 2013, the University of Manitoba Bisons football team played their first ever home game in the newly built Investors Group Field (IGF). The field has a capacity of 33,422, but the Bisons saw only 6,435 fans come out to support the herd. Unfortunately, that number is the most that Manitoba has ever had come out to watch a Bison game at IGF.

Pushing forward

September 14, 2014 is a day Amir Ali won’t soon forget. Ali, a University of Manitoba Bisons men’s basketball player, was doing a normal transition drill in practice. “I was just attacking the rim, same move I’ve done a million times,” he said.

The three-headed monster

At the start of the 2015 CIS football season, it appeared that the Saskatchewan Huskies boasted the most diverse backfield, with Tyler Chow, Jarvis James, and Shane Buchanan. Three games into the current campaign, however, it’s become evident that the Manitoba Bisons have earned that distinction.

Scrambling to reach mediocrity

Despite not posting the worst record in the CFL, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers can still be considered the worst in one very important area: their depth at the QB position. Without a capable backup behind injured starter Drew Willy, the Bombers have nowhere to go but down.

‘The little race that could’

Ted Swain was a well-known and respected face in the running community until his untimely passing in May of 2009 following the Winnipeg Police Service…