Noreen Mae Ritsema

Leaving the team but not the game

After a remarkable soccer career with the Bisons, Desiree Scott looks back on her last five years on the team with satisfaction and contemplates the…

Contemporary versions of athleticism

In the popular imagination, athletic prowess is frequently associated with organized sports, competition and even masculinity. The athletic skill of contemporary dancers helps give athleticism…

Volleyball’s Dane Pischke excels

Apparently superb volleyball skills run in the family. At least this is the case for the Pischke family. Graduating from Fort Richmond Collegiate with the…

Brains versus brawn

Contemplating the contemporary manifestations of Halloween traditions, the Science Editor takes on the Sports Editor; brain takes on brawn. As more and more alternatives to…

Playing to win

Taking the team to new heights, head coach Mike Sirant’s return to the Bisons after a three year professional development leave is nothing short of…