Jenna Diubaldo

Desire’s Despair

One of the greatest aspects of Winnipeg’s music scene is an undeniable, commanding presence from some of Canada’s greatest female musicians, who not only demand…

100 Years of Loss

From Nov. 5 to 9, the University of Manitoba Inner City Social Work Campus (William Norrie Centre) will be hosting a mobile exhibit entitled 100…

Modern electric tattoos

Rebel Waltz Tattoo, located in the heart of the inner city on Notre Dame Avenue, is one of Winnipeg’s most versatile tattoo shops, providing modern…

Down-to-earth humour

Louis C.K. has quickly become one of the biggest names in the comedy world over the past few years. Performing stand-up comedy since 1984, C.K….

A fucking tidal wave of synthesizers

Mahogany Frog, one of Winnipeg’s most well-known, long-standing, and weirdest instrumental electronic rock bands, recently released their sixth full-length album. The album, entitled Senna, is…