Campus news briefs
Classes resume; nature unmerciful The 2014 Winter Term began on Jan. 6 for most U of M faculties, following the second coldest Winnipeg December in…
Classes resume; nature unmerciful The 2014 Winter Term began on Jan. 6 for most U of M faculties, following the second coldest Winnipeg December in…
Lisa Guenther, Vanderbilt University associate professor and former Winnipegger, was in town last week to discuss solitary confinement – an issue touching on notions of…
I’ve been looking for similarities between the ways we represent music and organic chemistry on paper. The answer is a stretch but the search was…
Last Thursday marked the beginning of a busy few days for the University of Manitoba’s Asper school of business. That evening, students and guests from…
Two U of M student groups interested in examining the Arab-Israeli conflict were recently before the University of Manitoba Students’ Union’s (UMSU) Student Group Promotion…
Rob Ford wants video released Toronto Mayor Rob Ford recently asked that Toronto police make public a video that allegedly shows him using crack cocaine….
The Bulletin is no more. After 77 years of disseminating University of Manitoba news in print, the school has decided to publish its goings-on in…
I am lucky to have a friend who walks along the banks of the Seine River. One year ago, he took me to see one of…
University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) councillors and students-at-large were allowed a glimpse of the fiscal state of the union last week, after council saw…
Finance report: Frosh Festival failed to break even Justin Paquin of Paquin Entertainment reported to UMSU council on Monday, Oct. 21 that the Frosh Music…