
Rykiss handily takes UMSU presidency

The 2022 UMSU executive board will consist of Jaron Rykiss as president, Tracy Karuhogo as vice-president student life, Victoria Romero as vice-president advocacy, Brook Rivard as vice-president finance and operations and Elishia Ratel as vice-president community engagement.

NDP will support Liberals until 2025 for dental care

The New Democratic Party (NDP) has struck a deal with the Liberals to support the government in confidence
votes to keep them in power until 2025 in exchange for dental care for lower-income families and action on
other NDP priorities such as pharmacare, affordable housing, child care and Indigenous and environmental

Manitoba lifts most remaining COVID restrictions

Manitoba has eliminated most COVID-19-related restrictions and health orders, however, the University of Manitoba is continuing its mask and vaccine mandate until at least the end of the 2022 winter term.