
Science briefs

Woodpecker brain technology Scientists at UC Berkeley have unraveled the mystery behind the impact-resistant woodpecker brain and are using the knowledge to protect your electronics….

Politics: the final frontier

NASA has been all over the map for the past few years — cancelling one program only to start another, only to be later cancelled…

Keep your ideas to yourself

Science vs Science Science is without a doubt the greatest tool in explaining the forces behind natural phenomena. It provides us with a common toolset…

News Briefs

Impending diabetes epidemic threatens health of Manitobans: CDA president The number of Manitobans living with diabetes is expected to increase by 48 per cent by…

International News Briefs

Science/religion division an “illusion” – Scientist Martin Gaskell, an astronomer and devout Christian who sued the University of Kentucky for religious discrimination, told the Canadian…

Crime Beat

The University of Manitoba experienced a number of criminal violations on campus during the month of January. According to Security Services patrol officer Doug Heinrichs,…

Campus Beat

University Center welcomed owls from the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre Four owls stopped for a daylong visit in University Center last week, in order to…