Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau missed the point of International Women’s Day, but so did the people attacking her
International Women’s Day should be a day about women, not attacking women.
International Women’s Day should be a day about women, not attacking women.
When it comes to refugee policy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has two stances: one on Twitter, and the other on paper. Nowhere is that more…
Automation of the workforce need not be a looming dystopia, but instead a gleaming utopia – so long as weaknesses in social infrastructure are addressed.
UMSU community representatives need more resources so the advocacy of marginalized groups can be carried out more efficiently, more substantially, and with greater impact.
UMSU is powered by the tyranny of the self-interested.
Arguing that “no religion should be singled out for special consideration” aligns Conservatives with the counterproductive “All Lives Matter” movement.
Lobbying efforts by the CFS have failed. Students must take efforts into their own hands.
When it comes down to it, writing off student elections is the worst mistake you can make.
Adopting austerity measures is not a sound strategy and it will hinder rather than boost the economy.
The new fees are xenophobic, portraying immigrants as a burden by linking newcomers to welfare.