Arts & Culture

The light of the world

When various medieval mountebanks and oddballs assembled “Cabinets of curiosities,” wooden boxes of things like mummy body parts, paintings of people with deformities, and narwhal…

This means GWAR

I had a feeling Antarctica was a bad place to visit; it’s hard to travel through, there aren’t many tourist attractions, and it is now…

Five Science-y Books…

Books on science can normally be sorted into one of two categories. The bad tend to be very complicated, using all sorts of exclusionary language,…

We Will Rock Us

Freddie Mercury’s vocal range spanned a massive three and a half octaves, but drunk karaokers the world over still attempt the almighty “Bohemian Rhapsody” with…

Kill Adolf

Inglourious Basterds Directed by Quentin Taratino Opens Friday, August 21 * ½ out of * Lately Quentin Tarantino’s films have completely disregarded modern times. Kill…