Arts & Culture

The crocodile of Jaco

The Crocs The Rio Tarcoles, just north of Jaco, Costa Rica, is home to the largest crocodile population in the Americas. There’s a bridge over…

Untapped potential

This past Tuesday evening I witnessed a rarity — the recorder (that instrument you probably played in elementary school music class) used in a contemporary…


One word can sum up my experience of the Prairie Theater Exchange’s (PTE) production of Glorious! It says it right there in my title. Need…

Chamber night

How often is it that you get to see classical music being performed without the presence of a conductor or violins? If you’re answer is…

Figure it out

Whether she is hanging decaying rabbit carcasses from trees or drawing popular cartoon characters caught in acts of domestic violence, Winnipeg-based artist Diana Thorneycroft knows…

Teenage Kicks

“I always say we sound like the Ramones,” Teenage Bottlerocket singer/guitarist Ray Carlisle says when asked to describe his band’s sound. Such a blunt answer…