Working group proposes changes to U of M’s senate

Three new standing committees would deal with undergraduate academic matters

A working group within the university’s senate is proposing three new senate standing committees to deal with undergraduate academic matters, with consultations already underway.

The new committees would replace four committees and introduce a senate committee-level review for certificate programs. The changes would allow for a more comprehensive examination of proposals for undergraduate programs, according to a memo from university secretary Jeff Leclerc to associate deans for undergraduate affairs.

The senate changes, which were developed by an undergraduate studies subgroup and reviewed by the senate committee and process review working group, would introduce a Certificate and Micro-Certificate Committee, Undergraduate Studies Council and Academic Policy and Regulations Committee to the university’s senate.

Both the Undergraduate Studies Council and Academic Policy and Regulations Committee would assume all or some of the responsibilities of the Senate Committee on Admissions, Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes, Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation and the Senate Committee of Approved Teaching Centres — which would all be disbanded.

This structural change would also reduce the number of proposals that would need to be considered by multiple committees, “to streamline and clarify the review process,” according to a consultation document prepared for stakeholders. The changes would allow for a broad committee membership that promotes cross-university engagement and more opportunities for units to bring proposals forward during the year.

The Certificate and Micro-Certificate Committee would have responsibilities related to the review of non-degree programs, and if established, would increase the scrutiny of relevant proposals beyond the proposing unit, according to the consultation document. The committee would also possibly develop academic policies, bylaws and regulations for non-degree programs and ensure that there is no duplicate program already in place.

A revised academic approval process has also been proposed, which would delegate authority to the new committees to approve routine changes on behalf of the senate to enable quicker approvals.

These proposed changes come as part of the university secretary’s mandate to periodically undertake reviews of the senate and board governance structures and processes. To assist with this review, the senate committee and process review working group was formed in 2022.

The senate presently has 18 standing committees — down from 22 standing committees which Leclerc described as “high relative to other universities” in a 2023 report to senate members. He further stated at the time that “the large number of committees results in overlapping mandates, some very busy committees, and other committees that rarely meet and/or exist to fulfill only one or two functions.”

Consultations with stakeholders on these proposed changes will continue until March, according to a tentative timeline, followed by a review with senate committees in April. The recommendation to senate on these changes is tentatively scheduled for May to June, with nomination of the new committee members slated for November to January 2026.

Implementation of the new committees is anticipated by spring 2026 and will be staggered based on committee.