The fingerstache

The fingerstache is a tattoo trend that has found waves of success here and there. The origins of the infamous trend are often debated as two Rival tattoo artists claim to be the first. One in Rhode Island, the other in Ohio. The Rhode Island artist says he once did 15 finger tattoos in one day, but Ohio based tattooist is said to have a wider range of ‘stache styles. The tattoo seems simple enough in concept — a stylized moustache is placed on the side of the index finger. This allows for the tattoo to be displayed just under the nose, above the lip, to make it appear as though the tattoo owner has suddenly sprouted some well-groomed facial hair.

2003 marked the first signs of this tattoo’s invasion on the internet through photos and stories about the tattoos that spread like wild fire through a variety of sites, including the comedy website As more and more got tattooed, they began sharing their moustache-ary with each other and thus began a social networking community like no other, the fittingly named, a website that “is dedicated to the proud fingerstachers everywhere!” Fingerstachers can upload their fingerstache-tastic photos, learn about upcoming fingerstache events in their hometown, and network with other fingerstachers — like an exclusive Facebook for the index-finger-inked only.

Unfortunately for fingerstachers, the tattoo tends to be short-lived. Although it’s tough to say this may have contributed to the tattoo’s popularity, but I’m still sure the signs of your fading and blurring handle bar moustache is a sad day in the exciting times of a fingerstacher. Having joints, the finger is not an optimal placement for a tattoo, and causes a lot of wear, fading within a couple years. Furthermore, the type of skin between your fingers is prone to fading and blurring, however, the tattoo would never fully disappear on its own.

There are a variety of style options out there for wannabe-fingerstachers considering the novelty tattoo. The biker, a long moustache drooping over two fingers, is not for the faint of heart but is definitely worth it if you have the nerve and commitment to back a ‘stache like that up. Female fingerstachers are more inclined to go for thin and curly stylized moustaches, while fingerstachers of the male variety tend to believe the bigger and the bushier, the better. Of course, for the faint of heart you can always use your sharpie, but I believe such an act would qualify you as a “wingerstacher.”

Because these tattoos are relatively concealed they make it perfect for the rebel trapped in the corporate world. You can even have a moustache on each hand for different occasions. A larger handsome handlebar moustache for when you need to impress and a fun curly-whirl of a ‘stache for more light-hearted days.

But what about when your hands are cold? After all, we are in Winnipeg. That’s why I must also tell you of the greatest discovery of all — the beard cap! The beard cap is inspired by a traditional farms balaclava with the addition of a knit-in moustache and beard. Attached to the face of the balaclava, it sits under your nose with pride. The original designs came from Iceland but if you’re a bit of a stitch-er yourself you can most certainly try and create your own.

Moustaches really are a humorous look at a bygone era. They have a retro vibe as it seems no one but our dads and a few choice movie stars seem to have them. Moustache parties and competitions have increased in popularity both just for fun and as charity drives with some young guys sporting the real thing while young women have fun with the fake ones. And of course, anyone can sport a fingerstache!