Jillian Coubrough

When and wear

Of all the things that have captured my curiosity — death, religion, online shopping — self tanner takes the top spot. I’ve never been more…

When and wear

Every year I wait with bated breath, well more like chapped lips and half-bitten fingernails, to be proven wrong. “This will be the year!” I…

When and wear

Copy: With a decade closing recently, the white of winter fading to grey, the flecks of our skin washing out way past pale, it’s fair…

When and wear

It came, We saw, (We partied) but can we conquer? It was the dawn of resolution day, when all through the house, not a creature…

When and wear

Reincarnation, on Dictionary.com is defined as “the belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form.”…

When and Wear: Buttons

Fashion trends — they come and go quicker than a missed call and any of my high school boyfriends. In the fashion realm, it’s hard…

When & Wear

“A girl’s best friend” often “something assholes wear everyday” also known as “the working man’s leather.” These are common descriptions of our favourite a five…