University of Manitoba

Brown and gold at the Grey Cup

The 103rd Grey Cup on Sunday, held at Investors Group Field in Winnipeg, signified a homecoming for three former Bisons football players, as Ottawa running back Kienan LaFrance and Edmonton defensive tackles Eddie Steele and Don Oramasionwu all got the chance to return to the province where their football careers started.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right

It’s been a little over a year since the University of Manitoba announced that it would be trimming budgets by up to four per cent in order to square up a funding shortfall. This kicked off a series of protests featuring cooperation between the Canadian Federation of Students, the nascent Student Action Network (SAN), and other campus unions.

The bro-cative case

Matthew Urichuk is a third-year linguistics studies student at the U of M who conducted a research study on the use of “dude,” “man,” “bro,”…

Protesters challenge budget cuts, fee hikes

A crowd of University of Manitoba community members demonstrated their dissatisfaction over the school’s budgetary process at a rally held last Tuesday afternoon. Participants protested…

Mandatory courses: who, and why?

There’s been discussion recently about imposing additional mandatory courses on students at the University of Manitoba. In the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) Annual Survey, students were asked if they support an Indigenous Studies course requirement.

The Hub turns first profit

The University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) is turning a profit on its campus bar, the Hub, for the first time since its inception, but not all UMSU councillors are pleased with the union’s cost-cutting measures.

Womyn helping women

The University of Manitoba Womyn’s Centre has partnered with the Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre to offer free self-defence classes for women on campus.

Active Living Centre damage still being assessed

Less than six months after the University of Manitoba’s Active Living Centre (ALC) opened its doors, activities at the recreation centre were disrupted for three days in late August as a result of flooding.